HomeWritten EpisodeLakshmi Narayan 31st July 2024 Written Update

Lakshmi Narayan 31st July 2024 Written Update

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Lakshmi Narayan 31st july 2024 Written Update
Lakshmi Narayan 31st July 2024 Written Update (Image via Colors Tv liv)

On July 31, 2024, in the episode of Lakshmi Narayan, the story takes a dramatic turn. The episode begins with Kayadu asking Lakshmi to reveal her true identity. Lakshmi, with humility, tells Kayadu that she is just an ordinary woman and a devoted follower of Narayan. Meanwhile, Hiranyakashyap, the demon king, is eager to know who will kill him. An Asura informs him that it will be his own son. When Kayadu gives birth to a son, Hiranyakashyap orders a grand welcome for the newborn.

Kayadu, in a fit of anger, pushes Lakshmi away and throws her jewelry at her. She is furious that a follower of Narayan helped bring her son into the world. Kayadu tells Lakshmi to take the jewels and leave, but Lakshmi declines, blesses the baby, and departs. Hiranyakashyap, filled with pride, declares to Narayan that his son will grow up to fight against him and rule the world.

Sukhracharya, Hiranyakashyap’s advisor, tells Narayan that this child, Prahlad, will be a reaction to the insults faced by his father. He praises Hiranyakashyap, but Narayan remains calm. He then causes an earthquake, sending a clear message that righteousness will always prevail over evil. Sukhracharya senses that something ominous is about to happen.

Kayadu brings baby Prahlad to Hiranyakashyap, and Sukhracharya begins to suspect if this is the child Narayan mentioned. Hiranyakashyap proudly tells Kayadu that she has given birth to a god’s son and demands she hands the baby over to him. Sukhracharya, however, insists that the baby should be placed on the floor. Hiranyakashyap counters, saying that his son’s rightful place is in his lap, as he is a god’s son.

Sukhracharya demands that Prahlad get up and go to his father, addressing him as god Hiranyakashyap. Hiranyakashyap, confused, asks how a small child can do that. Sukhracharya explains that Asura babies grow faster and reminds Hiranyakashyap of his own rapid growth. Still, Hiranyakashyap is puzzled about his son’s behavior.

Narayan tells Lakshmi that by holding the baby first, she has purged him of vengeance and bad intentions, making him a normal baby. Sukhracharya decides to check Prahlad’s horoscope to understand the mystery. Hiranyakashyap agrees, and Sukhracharya begins his task. Naradar expresses concern to Narayan about Sukhracharya’s expertise in reading horoscopes and the potential danger to Prahlad.

As Sukhracharya reads the horoscope, Kayadu pleads with Hiranyakashyap not to harm their child. Sukhracharya declares it a bad omen, and Kayadu begs for her child’s life. Hiranyakashyap, determined to see his son support him, raises his sword. At this critical moment, Narayan and Lakshmi appear in disguise, addressing Hiranyakashyap as god and asking for his help with their problems. They create a scene to distract him and subtly advise him to wait and see the results before making any rash decisions.

Sukhracharya agrees with the disguised Narayan, and Hiranyakashyap reluctantly drops his plan to kill Prahlad. He acknowledges that the child’s horoscope shows he may become powerful in the future. Narayan tells Lakshmi that they must wait seven years to see Prahlad’s full potential. Hiranyakashyap, convinced, decides to wait for seven years, eagerly anticipating the day his son will first speak his name.

The episode ends with Hiranyakashyap triumphantly proclaiming his name, while Narayan and Lakshmi smile, knowing that righteousness will eventually triumph.

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